I want to think deeply with you about the struggles of your life,your relationships, and your internal world, Helping you to come to a place of wisdom and freedom.
Our Services
Individual Counseling
Sitting one-on-one with another who has the ability to listen well, not judge, and hope deeply on your behalf is what individual counseling is about. Often intense, focusing on patterns, hopes, disappointments, and direction in a person's life. Individual therapy can even be helpful even in conjunction with couples counseling as a means of identifying issues that cannot easily be spoken of in the presence of one's significant other.
Couples Counseling
Chesterton once wrote, "Marriage is a fight to the death, which no man of honor should refuse." If you've been there, you know. The deepest joy and the most cutting heartache all sewn together in one tapestry. So much hope and so much pain. You know you are made for deeper intimacy, but pitfalls, conflicts, and disappointments roll in like thunder, prompting you to take a closer look at the crazy dynamic between you and your spouse. Whether the betrayal of an affair or a nagging, simple dullness begins to have its way, the pain of broken relationships will provoke many of us to take a closer look.
Group Counseling
Group counseling offers a place to think deeply about the struggles in your life, your relationships, and your internal world, in the context of an accepting environment, helping you to come to a deeper place of wisdom and freedom.
Counseling Intensives
While most counseling happens weekly over a period of time, geographical distance or other circumstances may make it difficult for this to happen. Counseling intensives offer a way to dig in over a short, intense few days, accomplishing what may be impractical otherwise. I offer a modified schedule whereby we meet for extended blocks of time. Intensives can be especially helpful in altering patterns and deepening insight.
Video and Phone Counseling
For those whose circumstances make it impossible to meet regularly in person, video and phone counseling are available as well.
Counselor Supervision
Jeanenne is a licensed supervisor of LPC Associates in the state of Texas. Read more here.
"The more I think it over, the more I think there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.. Christ is more of an artist than the artists. He works in the living spirit and the living flesh, He makes men instead of statues."
- Van Gogh